Wednesday 6 October 2010

Welcome to the meet The Team Blog!

Welcome to the meet The Team Blog!
Here you will be able to see any information about Latvian Team Fortress 2 Team - Latvia meet The.

Latvia meet The have started out as a team in August 2008 and, unfortunately, they had to drop off in January of 2009.
Their line-up was:
Medic: smixik
Demoman: wazzupman
Scouts: Galientes and mmei
Soldiers: Duffmen and Sanjaa22

Medic: w1ng

The 2nd generation of meet The have started out exactly 1 year after the 1st one.
Some players left so the 2nd line-up became this:
Medic: ch0nzy
Demoman: wazzupman
Soldiers: Duffmen and Makaka
Scouts: Galientes and croco
Medic: Yegres
Soldier: Gamex

This line-up made a great performance and took the 3rd place of division 6 in season 6 of the biggest TF2 League - ETF2L.
After ending the season in late 2009 an English multi gaming has showed the interest in the team. It was evito. Gaming.
meet The haven't thought a lot and joined them right after the proposal.
After it the line-up changed a little bit because of some players leaving the team/the tf2 scene at all.
It became this:
Medic: cheze
Demoman: Aspiring
Soldiers: Duffmen and Mars
Scouts: Galientes and croco
Soldier: Duffmen

Taking the Russian medic cheze was the greatest transfer evito. Gaming ever made. He made a grateful job for a team and because of his great medic skills the team took the 2nd place in division 4 of Russian TF2 League - RTF2L Season 3, and strengthen their position in division 5 of ETF2L Season 7.
Unfortunately, during the season 7 croco left the team, and evito. Gaming took the scout they were already looking for, for a while. It was maddik.
Also, Makaka got back to the team. Basically, he was an initiator of meet The joining evito. Gaming.

After the ending of season 7 evito. Gaming had to change a lot of players.
We can't even count now how many players were changed that time.

By the time of starting the ETF2L Summer Season 2010 meet The had already left their multi gaming and became meet The again.
The line-up was:
Medic: Sigmund Freud
Demoman: Aspiring
Soldiers: Duffmen and ksaN
Scouts: Galientes and JzidE

Unfortunately, they had to drop from the Summer Season because a lot of players went in-active.

By the time they became active in September 2010 the line-up has changed again:
Medic: PaleMan
Demoman: Makaka
Soldiers: Duffmen and Zeus
Scouts: Galientes and smadd
Medic: Sigmund Freud

As you can see Makaka has joined a team again and become a demoman. He has been training a lot in summer and got into the team perfectly. Now the team is training and trying to improve themselves as much as they can.
The leagues where meet The is going to participate:
ETF2L Season 8 - Division 5
ESL Season VI - Division 5
Team mission:
Take the 1st places in both leagues.

Wish the team all the luck!

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